
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

catching up!

As you all probably know, Im way behind on having film deveoped. I had a few rolls done the other day, and I thought Id share a few photos I hold near and dear to my heart.. This is Emily Oliver, and Molly, and a few neighbor kids... how cute were they??
This is Great Grandma Dabb, cousin Will, and Emily......... We miss you Great grandma!!

Here is a four generation shot with Great Grandma Dabb, Grandpa Dabb, Daddy, and Molly!! How sweet!

This is a good one!! I love the tenderness in this picture!

Great grandma Dabb, and Molly on her blessing day!!

1 comment:

Maeg said...

LOl...I was scared for a minute thinking Oliver in the top one was Noah! I was thinking it's been way too long!!! Thank goodness it's not! I love you! Say Hi to the kids for me!